Let us use social media to liberate Africa

Europe and America has given us a good thing called Twitter, they have given us a good thing called Face-book and they have given us a good thing again called WhatsApp, you name them all…., but we take them as toys, to say things that we don’t even think about before we write about, we say things that can never take Africa anywhere, but into disgrace.
Let us as Africans use these social platforms to educate and decolonize our minds and regain our self-esteem to help Africa out of the tragedy that was started many years ago by the biggest devil called colonialism. Let us start using these platforms to say things that can add value into our lives.
They gave us all this good things knowing that we can’t do anything good with them because of how typical we are as Africans for misusing things, our land can be an example, and the minerals from the very same land can be another example the list goes…
If you see yourself saying things that add nothing of good value to someone and still have many followers question your leadership, it is said that “the quality of leadership also depend on the quality of followership,” if I may summaries the statement it simple means that those who follow you even if what you say is stupid, then it says everything about them on the bases of their accepted wisdom.
The sad thing is that we of the middle class who went to school are the victims, why don’t we write things that we learned in school to prove that we care since time has proven without numbers that sharing caring.
Permit me to give you a simple example that separate us from other parts of the world on the bases of caring for each other, most parts of the world practice what we call philanthropy, and they use the same social platforms to share the idea of philanthropy to their youth and the world, to empower on the bases of Ubuntu (just to be relevant to us Africans). How can we practice such things as philanthropy if what we know is to write about people dancing without underwear in night clubs?
Let us educate each other in this platforms to kill things like were some of our societies are funded by organizations in Europe or America … and blame them for listening to their tune forgetting that they are the one who pays them, because it is said that” He who pays the piper calls tunes,” but if we can write or do things that can turn the head of rich man and women of our continent to practice philanthropy in our communities and give money to Africans so African can be modern.