African Leaders same Whatsapp Group
There is no hygiene in African politics because of what we call the not always vicious circle, this circle begins with what is logical in African politics is not always practical, what is practical is not always right, what is right is not always ethical, what is ethical is not always desired and what is desired takes us back to what is not always logical.
The time has come for Africa to be great; this continent is capable of greatness. Let us make our education great, let us make our agriculture great, and let us have one transport system that can move African from cape to Cairo, Madagascar to morocco.Â
Let us have one currency that is uniform as African pride, let us make African infrastructure to be great, let us feed ourselves with food that is from African intercontinental trade, I am submitting to you that all this can be achieved if we have hygiene in politics and African affairs.
To be a hygiene political leader you have to avoid what we call the temptations of 5Ps, avoid being the victim of the first P which is POWER, avoid being the victim of the second P PROPERTY, avoid being the victim of the third P PRESTIGE, avoid being the victim of the forth P POPULARITY and avoid being the victim of the last P POMPOSITY.
The other problem with African politics and politicians is that, they want to behave or appear like politicians in the united kingdom, most of African politics say things or read speeches that they do not believe in, they just read because that is what a politicians must do at a political event.
The other problem to African politics is the opposition parties to the ruling party. The solution to stop conflict between opposition parties and the ruling party is to involve oppositions, because what they want is to be heard, so if you don’t involve them they will oppose everything and propose nothing but you can kill that by making them involved. If you involve them then they become a loyal responsible opposition.
Nelson Mandela once tried one day when he was going away he appointed Mangosuthu Buthelezi to be the president of the country on his absents.

BY: Monti Montsha