I Am Against Racism And You?
Racism doesn’t necessarily have to be in a negative way, I am a racist for loving my race but to others is in a negative way simply because they love their race to a point where they devalue other races, that makes one to operate in a devil mode to other race, the word devil means devalue which is the core character of a racist person, so if you resist know that you are a devil.
This word was introduced in 1555 (400 years ago) when the man who is claimed to be a great man by the history of British (john Hawkins), was commissioned by Queen Elizabeth the 1st to take the ship by name Jesus to come to Africa from Britain (the slave ship).
When they entered the beautiful land of Africa, we as kind as we are welcomed the strange looking human beings to what we defined at the time into our villages and valleys, not knowing that they had intentions to insult our kindness with the move they planned (John Hawkins and those with him), which was to divide and conquer /divide and rule.
They began to whisper among the different chief and leaders in the world of Africa and to divide one people against another so they can rule, because we where fighting against one another, that was the introduction of what is persisting even in this modern day which is xenophobia and tribalism, we wouldn’t have this evil words if it wasn’t of the father of all which is racism.
I am not promoting anything evil, but I am just educating you my brothers and sisters to know the truth because the truth is true and if we don’t talk about everything we wont know everything.
So now that you know the truth about this evil words that divide nations I hope and pray that we unite as human beings and solve this once and for all.
A lot people died trying to solve this equation heroes has fallen, now the ball is in our square to solve and move in a changing phase, because we cant forget if we forget we are likely to repeat the same old thing.
We can not forget yesterday because yesterday is linked to today, tomorrow and other days.

By: Monti Montsha