The date was set, the sun came out and the rest was magic. The Mogalakwena district hosted a public service fun day for the people that work for and with the education department on the 8th of September 2016 at the Mahwelereng stadium, the fun day was hosted not only for the competitive at heart but also to emphasize the matter of health, therefore the head office of wellness was present and addressed the employees present at the event.
The event was also supported by AVBOB and the African Bank respectively during the activities people had the opportunity to go any of their marquees and enquire of their services, the Folang medical centre also had their marquee which help people test for HIV and diabetes free of charge.

There were 4 sets of activities, fun walk which started at 7:30 in the morning which started from the district office went around zone 1 of Mahwelereng and ended at the stadium and track racing which was divided in 100m men and women in different age groups, 200 m men and women different age groups, 400m men and women combined age groups, indigenous games which was played with different groups within the education department which were HR, Finance, governance, IT and Tvet Waterberg college, the final activity was the women and men soccer.
It was laughter all round, many people pushed beyond their limits and won their activities other did it for pride even though they didn’t win they made it to the finish line. Throughout the day people socialised within each other and also had fun with the new faces they didn’t know.
“It was a success and we hope to do better so next year” said one of the organising committee members Shirley Ledwaba. This event is the fifth annual being hosted by the district because they care not only about the work being done but also the well-being of their employees.
At the end of the day there was an award ceremony for all those who excelled within their activities after a well deserving lunch being served
By: Wendy Mbiko