What we call the beginning is often the end, and to make an end is to make a beginning, the end is where we start from, we just have to be brave enough to say goodbye, life will reward us with a new hello. That is how one and all was feeling yesterday at Raphela higher primary school in Mahwelereng (Mokopane) where they held a farewell function for five of their educators.
Mrs Malunga M.N, Mrs Mochinya B.R, Mr Shika F.E and Mr Mpjatona L.P were thanked for their years of hard exertion, during a touching farewell ceremony. Fellow teachers, pupils and parents were to say goodbye to the teachers who are said to have served a very fertile period with the learners and colleagues all through the years in service.
“I have to honour the excellent work that the five teachers had displayed to our school and the community of Mahwelereng” said Phofa K.G (Acting of principal of the school).
The day was filled with line-up of entertainment from school choir, poems, gum boots dance.....the list goes.
The teachers promised not to stay wallowing their minds away at home, but will continue implementing their principles of “Ubuntu” to their communities moving forward.
We have retired but our minds has not retire, there is still a lot to offer to communities” added teachers.
“Never say goodbye because goodbye means going away and going away means forgetting”- J.M. Barrie (Peter Pan).
By: Monti Montsha