Water scarcity continues to be problematic in parts of Gauteng even after the heavy rains we had two weeks back which caused heavy flooding.
This week it marks four weeks without running water from taps in Kanana – Midrand. Now the only thing they can depend on, is the water truck that comes only once a day, which circulates around within the allocated area. No one knows what time it will come as to prepare their water tanks, buckets and so forth; yet the long queues are a clear indication that the truck has arrived.
It is even worse for those who are working on daily basis, with no one to ask and refill his or her bucket. “I have to wait till midnight around 00:00am and check if we have running taps or not, if we do; that is the only time I can refill my buckets” stated Mmathabo Mgidi. She added that if she doesn’t do that, her kids can’t eat, bath, nor go to school and she also can’t even go to work.
As for old people who live alone, who are not in a state to lift heavy loads, it becomes a problem to get water; not unless on that day they have a very understanding and caring truck driver who would assist them to get water. The greatest risk is if these old people run out of water from their bucket, bearing in mind that majority of them are on medication, they need food and without water not only their lives are in danger but everyone’s life is hanging by a thread.
We can’t continue to have water shortage like this. Maybe now it is time to ask ourselves that what it is that we are not doing right. No one have any idea on when will the residence of Kanana will receive running water again, so it is advisable to continue using water sparingly. The water problems needs to be highlighted and re-emphasized over and over again up until the time were everyone is totally aware of this and does their part in saving water.
With only three simple steps to save water, we can go a long way. Make sure you are part of it, Reduce, Reuse and Recycle.
By: Nompumelelo Phahlomuhlaka